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Showing posts from March, 2019

The Wallet

   This is a short story about greed. If you like these stories, follow Ken Pealock on Facebook, YouTube, Amazon books, Twitter: Ken Pealock@KPealock. The Wallet Barney Radcliffe had to puke.       Mutton. It was the mutton. He swore he’d never again eat from the dumpster.       Rather than puke on the sidewalk in view of everyone, he stepped into an alley and heaved his guts out. He felt better immediately and turned to leave.        That’s when he spotted the wallet.        He picked it up and saw the ten-dollar bill inside. Nothing else was inside the wallet: no ID, no photos, not even a business card. He slid the bill in his front pocket and tossed aside the wallet. But just as it left his fingers, he glimpsed the corner of another green bill protruding. How did he miss it? he wondered.        Picking up the wallet once again, he pulled out the ten-dollar bill, then blinked in disbelief when another bill appeared. Am I losing my mind? he asked himself. He r

The Contract Killer

     This is a story about the folly of giving up on life and trying to commit suicide. It is yet another of 65 short stories in my Amazon book, Life, Love and the Pursuit of Happiness. All stories will be presented in this blog at the rate of one or more per week, free of charge. If you like these stories, please comment and share with others. The Contract Killer My name is James Heller and I’ve decided to kill myself. There are many ways to commit suicide, some good, some bad, and I considered all of them.       Ernest Hemingway put a bullet in his brain, but that’s too grotesque for my taste. Next, I considered jumping off a bridge, carbon monoxide poisoning, an overdose of painkillers or sleeping pills, slashing my wrists, or hanging myself like Robin Williams. None of these options suited my taste, either.       The problem was I didn’t want to know when I would die, and I doubt most folks do. So that left out assisted suicide, Kevorkian-style. After pondering

Is There Death After Life?

     I present the fourth of 65 short stories from my book: Life, Love and The Pursuit of Happiness. The printed book is available on Amazon for gift giving, but in this blog you can read them free of charge, at the rate of one or more per week.    This is a story about life after death with a twist; it is not meant to be taken seriously. If you don't burst out laughing at the surprise ending, you don't have a sense of humor. Please hit the like button and follow me on Facebook and Twitter to make sure you continue to receive more stories. Thanks. Is There Death After Life? Amos had sought the truth all his life. Even on his deathbed, with his closest friend at his bedside to console him, Amos hoped to know the truth.       “I’m afraid I don’t have much time left, Marcus; I feel life ebbing away from my decrepit old body,” Amos said. “All I ever wanted to know was if there’s a God and life after death.”       Marcus bowed his head and patted Amos on t