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A Dying Child's Prayer

    This very short story was the second one I ever wrote, and I had no intention to write any more. However, my friends encouraged me to continue writing and I wound up with 65 short stories that are published in my book: Life, Love and The Pursuit of Happiness.
    The message here is neither pro-life nor pro-choice; instead, it is a message that we should always be grateful for the good people in our life--no matter how much we may argue and disagree with them and no matter how hard or short our life may be.

A Dying Child’s Prayer

A five-year-old girl dying of cancer says a prayer from her bed:

Dear God,
    I’m sorry I can’t get on my knees to talk to you tonight. It hurts too much. I just want to thank you for giving me a mommy and daddy who love me and didn’t ‘bort me.
    And thank you for giving me a big sister to teach me things so I don’t get in trouble. And thanks for my little brother. He can be a brat sometimes, but he doesn’t mean to be. I know he loves me ‘cause I saw a tear in his eye when mommy told him I had cancer. My puppy loves me too; I see it in his eyes, and I see it when he wags his tail. Please look out for them so they don’t get sick like me.
   Thank you for giving me five-years of life, to be loved, and to feel the sun and wind in my face, and to play in the snow, and to make a snowman, and to see a rainbow and the moon and stars. And, I almost forgot, for letting me taste ice cream and other good stuff. But can you please make the spinach taste better so kids don’t make faces when they eat it?
    And can you send some money to my daddy? He and mommy sometimes argue about not having enough money. I think it’s my fault for being sick and costing them lots of money. When I get to heaven, I’ll work hard to pay you back.
    I’m sorry, God, that bad men killed your son for trying to help people. And I know it’s asking a lot, but can you please send him back ‘cause lots of people need help. Daddy talks about all the wars and fighting over religion, and somebody needs to tell them religion is supposed to be about loving one another.
   Please, God. I’m not asking anything for myself ‘cause you’ve given me so much already. Just help others who really need it.
   I’m getting tired and sleepy now, and I must rest. But when I get to heaven, can I hug you for all the blessings you and your son gave me? Amen.
     That night the thankful little girl died in her sleep.

The End
Copyright © 2018-2019 by Ken Pealock


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