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The Gambler

    The message of this story is that addictions of any kind can destroy your life and everyone around you. In this story, a man named Ned is willing to gamble his life to raise money. 

The Gambler

The odds are against you in roulette. The gambler in the casino knew it, but he believed he’d be lucky.
     He believed that divine providence urged him to play – and he believed it when he withdrew the family’s meager life savings from their bank.
     Ned from Nebraska was what people called him. He hated the name and he hated being a loser all his life. Tonight would be different. Tonight he would win big and return to his family as a rich hero. They were in dire financial straits, three months behind on the farm mortgage and late on credit card payments and government loans. The drought was to blame.
     He meant to catch up on their mortgage payments with their last $5,000. At least that’s what he told his wife. She’d forgive the lie when he came home with his winnings.
     “Place your bets,” the roulette operator said before the seventh spin.
     Ned had lost on every spin so far and was down to $1,000. But something told him to bet it all on red seven on the seventh spin. Seven was a number mentioned in the Bible, and he told himself to have faith as the wheel spun.
     The wheel stopped on number six, black.
     Ned staggered back in shock. He’d had faith, but God failed him. His shoulders slumped as he trudged out of the casino. Like so many others, he’d played a fool’s game and lost everything. He looked up at the lights on the strip and passed happy people. The world was against him. He was jinxed, he felt, and walked away, only half aware of his surroundings. He was in such a daze that he didn’t notice someone following him until the well-dressed stranger spoke.
     “Excuse me, Sir, the stranger said.
     “Yes?” Ned turned around to face the man who’d been following him.
     “I saw you lose all your money in the casino, and I’m very sorry you did. My name’s Louis, what’s yours?
     “Ned, but you can’t be half as sorry as me. I lost our life’s savings trying to save our farm in Nebraska. My wife is going to kill me...assuming I don’t kill myself first.”
     “Suicide doesn’t solve the problem, my friend. How would you like to win your money back and a lot more?” the stranger named Louis asked.
     “What are you talking about, I’m dead broke. Busted. I have nothing left to bet with.”
     “I think you do; every man has something of value. Like that watch you’re wearing. I’ll bet my watch against yours in a game of Blackjack. The best odds in Vegas are in Blackjack.”
     Ned saw the stranger’s diamond-encrusted Rolex. It had to be worth at least $15,000, whereas Ned’s was worth $50. He figured even if he lost a cheapo watch, what difference would it make. “I’m in,” he replied.
     “There’s some old wooden crates in that alley ahead. Let’s go there and play a hand,” the smiling stranger said.
     Ned sat on a crate in the alley and checked his cards. His facing card was a ten, so he asked for another. He got a nine and held. The stranger hit 21. Ned handed his watch to the stranger and stood to leave. “I must go.”
     “Sit down, my friend, your luck is bound to change,” the stranger said.
     “I have nothing to bet,” Ned replied.
     “Sure you do, that jacket you’re wearing is worth something; I’ll play my watch against your jacket.”
     Ned sat back down and waited for the stranger to deal his hand. He held with 18, but the stranger had 19. Ned removed his jacket and handed it over.
     “Want to try again? I’ll bet both watches and your jacket for your boots.”
     “Sure, why not? I might as well be barefoot when I freeze tonight.” Ned was only going through the motions, knowing he’d lose again. Which he did.
     “This time I have absolutely nothing of value left to bet, he said to the stranger.”
     “Sure you do, you have one thing left to wager.”
     “What’s that?”
     “Your life.”
     Ned felt afraid. He froze in place, waiting for the stranger to speak.
     “I’ll bet you everything you lost, plus my watch and $25,000 in cash against your life. You win, you get it all. You lose, I slit your throat and leave your corpse in the alley.”
     Ned thought the man was either insane or joking. Why would this stranger make such a bet when he could easily overpower him right now? Ned decided to take the bet; if he lost, he felt he could run faster than the stranger. “You’re on,” Ned replied.
     Ned shuffled the cards and dealt this hand. He had a ten and a one. No matter what card he drew, he couldn’t possibly go over 21. He drew a nine, giving him twenty total. The stranger noticed Ned’s confidence and drew his third card. He had 21. Blackjack.
     Ned jumped up to run, but the stranger wrestled him to the ground. Sitting on Ned’s chest, he pulled out a knife and pressed the blade against Ned’s throat. “You lost, mister, and it’s time for you to pay up,” the stranger said.
     Ned closed his eyes, awaiting his death. Suddenly he heard the knife click shut and felt the stranger get off him.
     “I could have killed you tonight, Ned. If it weren’t for your family I would have. Get up and take your belongings, I don’t want them.”
     Looking bewildered, Ned stood on trembling legs and brushed himself off, hardly believing what happened. “Thank you,” Ned managed to squeak out.
     The stranger pulled out cash he carried in his jacket and money belt. “Here’s $25,000 cash and some advice: Never gamble with your life or the well-being of your family. I’m letting you live for now, but if I catch you in another casino, I will kill you.”
     Ned put on his boots, watch, and jacket. He stuffed the bulky one hundred-dollar bills in every pocket and inside his jacket, then walked out of the dark alley to the bright lights of the Strip. He was elated; he’d won a fortune, indirectly, of course. But how he won wasn’t important. Divine Providence moved in mysterious ways.
     The world was bright again, and he was one of the BEAUTIFUL people. He saw the neon lights of another fancy casino and stopped at the entrance. Perhaps he could win more than $25,000.

The End
Copyright © 2018-2019 by Ken Pealock


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